Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20 Message Notes

2 Timothy 3:1-16

Small Group: 2 Timothy 3:1-16

The Word + Ice Breaker Questions:

Paul and Timothy have been friends for quite some time. Not only have they been friends but they have been spiritual brothers. Paul was the older spiritual brother that Timothy looked up to.

  1. Who do you look up to? Why?
Timothy watched Paul’s life (2 Corinthians 11: 23-28). Timothy watched how Paul lived, breathed, taught, dreamt, and preached Jesus. In the midst of Paul’s life he wanted to train Timothy to be a follower of Christ. Paul knew his actions would show Timothy how to follow Christ, but Paul went the extra mile. He spent time teaching, praying for, and serving with Timothy.
  1. Is anyone teaching, praying for, and serving with you?
  2. Are you teaching, praying for, and serving with a younger person?

If you are a Christian you have been given a divine, set apart (2 Tim 1:9) task. You are to train other believers by your example, by your words, and with your time.

The Word + Meaning:

             Paul is writing this letter to Timothy from a prison in Rome. Not only is Paul in prison, but he is on death row. This is the last recorded writing to Timothy, his spiritual brother, we have in the Bible.

  1. If you were on death row and writing one last letter to your sibling what kind of things would you say?
  2. What kind of things would Paul have said?
  3. What does verses 3:1-5 remind you of? (Today’s times)
  4. What is Paul telling Timothy with his dying words in verses 15-16? God’s Word points to Jesus. The Word of God will withstand any temptation or evil plan Satan has. If you don’t have God’s Word in your hearts then you have nothing.

The Word + Application:
  1. Where does the Bible claim to come from?
  2. If the Bible claims to come from God than what role should the Bible play in your life?
  3.  What is the main purpose of the Bible? Jesus. It all points to Jesus.

The Word + Challenge:

Students, be quick to listen to the words of a man on death row. He is saying that God’s Word is uncompromising. People are naturally going to migrate to sinful evil things. The Bible will lead you to victory. The Bible points to Christ. Read 2 Timothy this week and read it like it was written to you. Remember this was written from a man on his deathbed, it must be important. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Progressive Dinner

             Friday the 8th, Dripping Spring Student Ministry filled their 
free time with food and fellowship, commonly known as a Progressive Dinner. Mouth-watering eateries and open homes were provided by generous members of the church body; The Noffsingers first satisfied our eager taste buds with a cheese stick and bread appetizer (which many mistakenly filled their tummies with early!), the Wilcutts WOWed us with an impressive salad bar on their open patio, the Whittemores impressed us with their slap-yo-momma good hamburgers (my words, not theirs), and the Thurstons willingly let us swim off our heavy portions before we replenished with an ice cream cake. 

            Needless to say, we did not leave the night hungry. Our souls were also nurtured as we shared testimonies, exchanged laughter, and played a intense friendly game of water football.

            Thank you to everyone who opened their home to us (and their refrigerators.)  :) We appreciate it!!

For those who missed this night…come to DSSM’s next outing!! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Crossings Camp 40


 Dripping Spring youth conquered a first as they loaded the church van and headed to Crossings Camps for a Camp 40 (translation = an entire week of camp condensed into a cram-packed, crazy-intense, no-sleep span of 40 hours.)

During these 40 hours we had a boat-building, worship-singing, gospel-preaching, snack-sharing, square dancing good time.  Aside from blobing and zip-lining, approximately 10 of the 40 hours, the students were engaged in worship, large group, or small group bible study (we guess this is a little over a month of church attendance wrapped in a weekend.)  During that time, we dove into the theme, WASHED.

“And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
                                                                                                     1 Corinthians 6:11
Bible Study Overview:
1. STAINED: WASHED FROM SIN - We have been washed from sin through Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
2. SOAKED: WASHED BY GRACE - We have been washed by grace; through faith. This is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
3. SCRUB: WASHED TO SERVE - We have been washed to serve God and others. Love God, Love People, Be a Servant. 
4. SHINE: WASHED FOR GOD'S GLORY - We have been washed for God's glory. God uses suffering for my good and His glory. 

   A surprising, yet treasured moment came when Bro. Jered was granted the opportunity to Skype with his home for 6 months on behalf of Crossings Camps. Crossings has partnered with Karunya Ministries, birthed because a Christ following Indian couple spends their lives caring for children in their home. In the slums of India, it is more noble to kill their baby girl if they will not be able to pay their dowery. Hence, the reason for this ministry. This weekly skype call allows thousands of American students to see other kids, like them, in another country. It also give them a tiny glimpse of the urgent physical and spiritual needs of brothers and sisters around the globe. See video footage here and here
Crossings challenges students to, first and foremost, pray about sacrificially giving in order meet their urgent needs. ($20 can provide a child with education, food, and medical care for one month. But most importantly, their spiritual need is being met while their physical needs are being addressed.) Students at Crossings are then given the opportunity to give financially for the sake of the Great Commission.

But the challenge does not stop there. Over the years, students just like ours, have given over 600,000 to missions. But they can do more. Crossings challenges students to combine the passions plus their burdens to go beyond. Again, PASSION + BURDEN = BEYOND EFFECT. Go here to learn more. Christ-following Students, keep prayerfully seeking how you can go beyond. Church, let's encourage them and lead by example. 

Disclaimer: The signs read "GO DRIP!" in light of the b-b-b-boat race. :)

In conclusion, the weekend allowed for deep conversations, group bonding, and sweet fellowship with the Lord. From what I can tell, hearts were convicted and walks were nurtured. Praise be to God! We left thankful for Crossings Camps, and furthermore, even more grateful for a Savior in whom we have been washed.